Join us for our new course starting Oct. 1: Introduction to Knowing Your Shadow: The Essential Skills

Posted by on Aug 12, 2015 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

KYS Program


Is your shadow running your life? …perhaps without your even knowing it.

Are you ready for a freer, more vital life? This course is designed to help you.

Do you know the essential skills for working with shadow effectively? They can be learned and practiced.

Register Now for the KYS Course

Signs That Shadow Is Running Your Life —

Do You…?

  • Overreact in certain situations
  • Numb out, freeze, experience ‘brain fog’ or sudden tiredness
  • Face recurring challenges in relationships
  • Feel frustrated in your attempts to reach your goals
  • Get stuck in a perpetual ‘rerun’ acting out the same drama over and over again
  • Find yourself in frequent conflict with others
  • Feel misunderstood and not seen
  • Say you are fine when you’re not
  • Struggle to say you are sorry when you have hurt another
  • Work constantly to feel ‘positive’ about things
  • Experience being highly critical or judgmental of yourself or others
  • Avoid anger, sadness, or other “difficult” emotions
  • Struggle to find true intimacy in your relationship
  • Watch yourself keep doing things you know are not good for you

Why Shadow Work Is Necessary

When we are unable to embrace all of who we are, we end up pushing into the dark—our shadow—the aspects of ourselves that we find unpleasant or unlovable. We often take in the shaming voices from our past and they become an inner critic that puts us down, cuts us off, makes us small and can create genuine inner hell.

Left unconscious, our shadow will run our lives. Its subtle influence affects our relationships and especially robs us of our sense of innate wholeness and wellbeing. Our shadow territory can form a large part of who we are, so quick fixes or simplistic approaches won’t create lasting transformation.

There is so much energy and life force tied up in our shadow. This course will introduce you to a robust and integrated approach that leads to genuine healing, transformation, and lifelong change. Shadow work is the single most important thing you can do to create a healthier, richer emotional life. If you want more happiness, greater inner peace, and more rewarding, enriching and connected relationships, then learning how to turn towards and work with your shadow is essential.

Are You Ready To…

  • Reclaim all that is disowned, unloved, and rejected in yourself

  • Access the keys your body holds to your deepest healing and awakening

  • Become more intimate with your emotional self

  • Transform your experience of shame, fear, and anger

  • Free energy that has been bound in old unconscious patterns

  • Go beyond projection and reactivity to authentic relating

  • Grow your intuition, courage, and inner spaciousness

  • Develop a more mature, healthy spirituality

…if so, this course is designed to help you live a freer, more vital life!

If we want to live a truly conscious, awake, and free life, then learning to face and integrate all that is disowned and rejected in us is essential. No one can do that work for us. No one can rescue us –no matter how much they may love us. It is our own loving compassion and care given to ourselves with courage, that heals. Professional and personal support can help, and at certain times is essential, but it is our journey to take.

An Introduction to Knowing Your Shadow:

The Essential Skills

 Register Now for the KYS Course

A Five-Week Course from the Masters Center for Transformation

Thursdays, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 12:00-1:30 pm PDT

plus two in-depth 3-hr Virtual Workshops

Saturdays, Oct 3 & Oct 24, 12:00-3:00 pm PDT

(Recordings and workbook available for all sessions, if you can’t join us live.)

 Modules KYS Visual Outline

Enter a unique experiential learning environment held with deep consciousness and compassion. The course will include original content, Q&A,  guided meditations and solo practices, as well as partner exercises.

Format: Taught in five weekly 90-min. teleclasses (Thursdays, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 12:00 pm PDT) PLUS two in-depth three-hour online workshops (Saturday, Oct 3 & Oct 24 at 12:00 pm PDT).

This course is suitable for men and women from mature young adult to senior.

Bonus: Optional (at no extra cost) 30-min Practice Partnerships after the Thursday sessions. An opportunity for you to work with others in the course to expand your skills in a supported environment. You will practice in small groups of two to four people with Iyeshka available to answer questions or coach as needed. Conducted on MaestroConference.

All sessions will be recorded and made available within 48-72 hours of the class for those who are unable to attend live.

The course will utilize and expand upon the six-CD series Knowing Your Shadow by Robert Augustus Masters published by Sounds True. It is highly recommended that participants obtain a copy of the collection before the course start date, so that it is available for use during the course. Available here:


“Knowing Your Shadow” is a terrifically well-done and very useful guide to one’s shadow, teaching ways to re-own and integrate it, and exercises for doing so. Everybody has a shadow, which means this product is for you, me, everybody. Take advantage of it!

Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision


Robert Augustus Masters will make special guest appearances during two of our classes for sessions of discussion and Q&A.

Presented by: Iyeshka Farmer, RPC Registered Psychotherapist. Iyeshka has studied Intuitive Integral Psychotherapy with Robert Augustus Masters since 2008. She is a shadow work and trauma healing specialist who brings a commitment to spiritual deepening and awakening to her work with clients.

The MCT Knowing Your Shadow Course Will Help You To…

  • Gain a deeper understanding of what Shadow is and develop your personal intention to attend to it.
  • Explore resistance to working with your Shadow, learn to recognize different ways this can show up, and how to work with your resistance.
  • Find out how Shadow shows up in your daily life, by developing your skills in somatic noticing, awareness practices, learning flags and signs.
  • Grow your courage, learn to work with fear, and engage self-compassion.
  • Cultivate your understanding of your own reactivity: learn what it is we do with our pain and how to begin relating to your feelings rather than from them (conscious, aware relating).
  • Target your inner critic and discover its role in keeping you trapped in Shadow.  Receive instruction in how to work with your inner critic.
  • Strengthen your ability to begin to turn towards and enter your pain.
  • Uncover your willingness to work with whatever arises.
  • Enhance your ability to face and work with shame and to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy shame.
  • Develop a mature intimacy with your emotions.

Praise for other MCT courses: Emotional Intimacy, and Meeting The Dragon:

I came with high expectations and I have received much more than I expected. Excellent content and information, the group really came together and the relationships continue after the course is finished. I found it a much better introduction to Robert Augustus Masters’ work than reading a book.

Kamil, (Australia)

I feel the study group provided me with a gentle and powerful guidance in turning towards and embodying my pain…which enabled me to embrace and feel more at ease with it. Turning towards my pain is a gift I can give to myself to become more intimate with who I am. I have also seen the benefits of this practice in my own coaching clients.

Joan Curran (UK)

Iyeshka has an extraordinary ability for clear presentations and guiding the group through deep self-explorations. Learning to note and name my sensations, feelings and emotions in painful experiences was most useful for me.

M.R. (Germany)

This course was very powerful for me. Iyeshka’s way of working with difficult feelings is a big part of the course. I felt in her presence a profound commitment to this work, and a warm, tender and loving way of being with such challenging experiences. She inspired me to participate fully, without fear of how I might appear. I am grateful for the opportunity to do this kind of work online. I don’t think many other people are offering such courses.

Shayla Wright (Canada)

The Meeting the Dragon course, for me, was the kind of thing where I felt like saying, “Where have you been all my life?” They don’t give you a handbook when you’re born, on how to deal with what life throws at you. But if they did, this would be part of it.

Dawn Lamond (US)


Shadow is a powerful area of personal exploration. Our goal is to provide you with the very best introduction possible to the work of Robert Augustus Masters, a world recognized leader in working with shadow.


Yes, I am ready to learn to work effectively with my shadow and have a freer, more vital life!

Register Now for the KYS Course



  1. Please let me know cost of this online course.
    Thank you,

    • Hi Pauline,
      I am just seeing your comment now. This is an older course. We are just starting a new course next week. Please visit for details. Hope to see you there!

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